Daily skin care methods - 12 steps to take care of it and maintain its freshness


Your skin is the largest organ of your body and it deserves proper care and attention. A daily skin care routine can help you keep your skin healthy, glowing and youthful

The skin of the face is the first entry card
for a person, as it reflects their health, beauty, and personality.

Therefore, it must be taken care of daily and continuously.

In this article, we will present you with 12 steps to take care of your facial skin daily, in addition to some natural recipes that help nourish,

cleanse and brighten the skin

  • The skincare routine starts with the process of cleansing the face. Wash the face with warm water to open the pores, then use a suitable facial cleanser for your skin type.
  • Choose a mild cleanser that does not contain alcohol, fragrances, or harsh chemicals, as these substances may cause dryness, irritation, or sensitivity to the skin.
  • Massage the cleanser gently in circular motions on the entire face and neck, then rinse it with cold water to close the pores. The skin should be cleaned twice a day, morning and evening, before applying any other products.

Using toner

  • Toner is a liquid that is used after cleansing to remove any residue from the cleanser, water, makeup, oils, or dirt that may clog the pores.
  • Toner also helps balance the pH level of the skin and restore hydration to it.
  • Choose a toner suitable for your skin type.
  • If your skin is dry, choose a toner that contains moisturizing ingredients such as aloe vera, rose water, or tea tree oil.

Moisturizing the skin

  • Moisturizing the skin is an essential step to maintain the health and beauty of the skin.
  • Moisturizing prevents the skin from drying out and the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.
  • Moisturizing also helps improve the elasticity, shine, and softness of the skin. Choose a cream, lotion, or gel that contains moisturizing and nourishing ingredients for the skin, such as aloe vera, shea butter, argan oil or vitamin E. Apply the moisturizer on clean and dry skin with gentle circular motions, and do not forget the areas of the eyes, lips, and neck.

Exfoliating the skin

  • Exfoliating the skin is the process of removing dead skin cells and impurities that may clog the pores and lead to acne, pigmentation, or skin infections.
  • Exfoliating the skin removes the outer layer of skin and reveals a new layer that is more fresh and radiant.
  • The skin should be exfoliated once or twice a week, using a special product or a homemade recipe that contains an exfoliating substance, such as sugar, salt, or oatmeal grains.
  • Massage the scrub on wet skin with gentle circular motions, then wash it off with lukewarm water.

Using a mask for the skin

  • Using a mask for the skin is a great way to nourish, cleanse, soothe, and rejuvenate the skin.
  • You can use a ready-made mask from stores or make a homemade mask from natural ingredients available in the kitchen.
  • Choose a mask suitable for your skin type and condition. If your skin is dry, choose a mask that contains moisturizing ingredients such as honey, avocado, or olive oil. If your skin is oily, choose a mask that contains purifying ingredients such as clay, baking soda, or apple cider vinegar. Apply the mask on clean skin.

Protecting the skin from the sun

  • Protecting the skin from the sun is an important step to prevent the damage that the sun’s rays may cause to the skin, such as burns, pigmentation, wrinkles, and skin cancer.
  • You should use a sunscreen cream with a high protection factor (SPF) that suits your skin type and degree of sun exposure.
  • Apply the sunscreen cream at least half an hour before leaving the house, and reapply it every two hours or after sweating or swimming.
  • Wear a hat or sunglasses when exposed to direct sunlight, and avoid sun exposure during peak hours between 10 am and 4 pm.

The health benefits of moderate sun exposure

  • 1 Exposure to the sun helps activate the production of vitamin D in the body, which is an important vitamin for the health of bones, teeth, and the immune system.
  • 2 Exposure to the sun helps improve mood and mental state, by increasing the secretion of serotonin, which is a hormone associated with feeling happy and satisfied.
  • 3 Exposure to the sun reduces the risk of developing some chronic diseases, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and some types of cancer.

The health risks of excessive sun exposure

  • 1 Excessive sun exposure causes damage to skin cells and causes burns and inflammation, which may lead to peeling, ulcers, or scars on the skin.

  • 2 Excessive sun exposure increases the risk of developing skin cancer, especially melanoma, which is a serious type of skin cancer that affects melanin cells responsible for skin pigmentation.

  • 3 Excessive sun exposure causes premature signs of aging on the skin, such as wrinkles, lines, and dark spots, due to the effect of sunlight on collagen and elastin production in the skin.

How to choose a suitable sunscreen cream

  • 1 You should choose a sunscreen cream according to your skin type and sensitivity. If your skin is dry, choose a nourishing and moisturizing cream. If your skin is oily, choose a light cream or gel, or foam.

  • 2 You should choose a sunscreen cream carefully.

The beauty benefits of moderate sun exposure

  • 1 Exposure to the sun helps improve the appearance of the skin and give it a bronze color, by increasing the production of melanin, which is a pigment that gives the skin its color.

  • 2 Exposure to the sun helps strengthen the hair and maintain its health, by stimulating the production of vitamin D, which is an important vitamin for hair and nail health.

  • 3 Exposure to the sun reduces the appearance of acne and skin infections, by killing the bacteria that cause them by the action of sunlight.

How to rejuvenate the skin after sun exposure

  • 1 The skin should be cleaned well with a suitable wash for your skin type and sensitivity, to remove dirt, oils, and makeup from the pores.

  • 2 The skin should be moisturized with a moisturizing cream, gel, or foam that contains soothing and cooling ingredients, such as aloe vera, cucumber extract, or rose water.

  • 3 The skin should be exfoliated once or twice a week with a natural or chemical scrub, to remove dead and dry cells from the surface of the skin.

General tips for protecting the skin from the sun

  • 1 You should drink enough water daily, to hydrate the body from the inside and outside, and maintain the freshness and radiance of the skin.

  • 2 You should eat a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables that contain antioxidants and vitamins, to nourish the skin and protect it from the harmful effects of sunlight. You should use a natural nourishing and rejuvenating mask for the skin once or twice a week.

Common mistakes in protecting the skin from the sun

  • Relying on sunscreen only without using other methods of protection, such as wearing clothes, hats, and sunglasses.
  • Using a small amount of sunscreen or not renewing it regularly, especially after sweating, swimming, or wiping.

  • Using expired sunscreen or stored at high temperatures, affects its effectiveness and quality.

When to consult a doctor in case of sun
exposure If the sunburns are severe and cover a large area of the body or ar
accompanied by symptoms such as fever, headache, nausea, or vomiting.

Protecting the skin from the sun is a necessary step to maintain its health and beauty, and to prevent the damage that the sun's rays may cause to the skin, such as burns, pigmentation, wrinkles, and skin cancer.

Therefore, you should follow the tips and methods that we mentioned in this article, which include using a suitable sunscreen for your skin type and degree of sun exposure, wearing clothes, hats, and sunglasses when going out in the sun, eating a balanced diet rich in vitamins and antioxidants, moisturizing, exfoliating and rejuvenating the skin after sun exposure.

You should also consult a doctor in case of any abnormal symptoms on the skin as a result of sun exposure. We hope that this article has benefited you and that you enjoy a happy and safe summer.

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